Oracle E-Business R12.2 Single Node Vision install

Oracle EBS Single Node installation

This the first of a three part of series, during this instalment  I will describe the steps required to build a single node Vision R12.2.0 on VMWare Fusion. In the subsequent Post I will show how you can do the same but using the new Oracle VM templates, and finally how you can use Delphix to deliver rapid Oracle EBS clones using the environment previously created.

Basic Steps

  1. Download R12.2.0 media from edelivery
  2. Create VMWare Fusion Virtual Machine
  3. Perform a ‘minimal’ Linux installation (this post used Oracle Linux 6.5)
  4. Stage the Media
  5. Install Oracle EBS R12.2.0

R12.2.3 download

Logon to and navigate download Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Media Pack for Linux x86-64-bit

Media Pack Search

Download all the parts for the following Part Numbers:

  • V9764-01
  • V29856-01
  • V35215-01
  • V35230-01
  • V35231-01
  • V35802-01
  • V35803-01
  • V35804-01
  • V35807-01
  • V35808-01
  • V35809-01
  • V35810-01
  • V35811-01
  • V35812-01
  • V35813-01
  • V37514-01
  • V39614-01

VMWare Fusion Build

For this install I created a Virtual Machine (VM) with 6GB of memory and the VM stored on my external 1TB USB drive, if you can spare it 8GB of memory would be ideal as under load you will swap with only 6GB of memory, I then added 3 Disks to the VM.

  • 20GB for OS including 6GB for Swap
  • 400GB for Oracle EBS R12.2.3
  • 100GBGB for Media staging area

Linux ‘Minimal’ install

As this is an EBS install walkthrough  I am not going to detail a standard Linux install as there are plenty of other great guides on the Web.

When you perform your Linux install allocate the 20GB disk for / with 6GB for Swap, 100GB for /mnt/stage and 400GB for /u01

As we are starting with a ‘Minimal’ install we are going to need some additional packages,  Oracle now provide an Oracle EBS pre-install package similar to the database package (oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall) so we are going to use it this guide.

Remove and update Yum repository

[root@ebssource ~]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d
[root@ebssource yum.repos.d]# rm public-yum-ol6.repo

replace the original version with this newer version

[root@ebssource yum.repos.d]# wget

Edit the public-yum-ol6.repo file to enable the ol6_addons channel.
Find the ol6_addons section and change enabled=0 to enabled=1.

name=Oracle Linux $releasever Add ons ($basearch)

Save the file.

[root@ebssource repos.d.yum]# yum install oracle-ebs-server-R12-preinstall.x86_64

This installs the basic necessary packages on Oracle Linux 6 to support the Oracle R12.2 and applies required Kernel, configuration changes and creates the oracle, applmgr users and oinstall and dba groups.

Files updated included:


Stage the Media

Copy the R12.2.3 media you downloaded edelivery and latest StartCD patch to /mnt/Stage1223

[root@ebssource ~]# cd /mnt/stage
[root@ebssource stage]# unzip

Unlike previous version of Oracle R12, R12.2.0 no longer requires you to manually unzip the media into the R12 directory structure, this in now automated by the script, just need the startCD unzipped.

Change directory to the new patched startCD

[root@ebssource stage]# cd startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/

[root@ebssource bin]# ./

Build Stage Menu
1. Create new stage area
2. Copy new patches to current stage area.
3. Display existing files in stage TechPatches.
4. Exit menu
Enter your choice [4]: 1
Rapid Install Platform Menu
1. Oracle Solaris SPARC (64-bit)
2. Linux x86-64
3. IBM AIX on Power Systems (64-bit)
4. HP-UX Itanium
5. Exit Menu
Enter your choice [5]: 2

Once completed above step successfully, you must run the script and select option 2. Copy new patches to current stage area from the Build Stage Menu:

Build Stage Menu
1. Create new stage area
2. Copy new patches to current stage area.
3. Display existing files in stage TechPatches.
4. Exit menu
Enter your choice [4]: 2

Install EBS R12.2.3

Allow you Mac to accept remote X sessions

$ sudo xhost +

Determine your IP address

$ ifconfig -a 

Set your DISPLAY back to your MAC within your Virtual Linux Server

[root@ebssource ~]#export DISPLAY=<IP addess>:0

Your now ready to start the Rapidwiz installer.

[root@ebssource stage]# cd startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/

[root@ebssource bin]# ./rapidwiz

1-Welcome At the Welcome screen click ‘Next’












2-Wizard Operation Click ‘Next’ to  install Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.0












3-Manager Details

Click ‘Next’ to skip over the Oracle Configuration Manager Details












4-Configuration Choice

Click ‘Next to create a new configuration












5-Global System Settings  Click ‘Next’ to take default ports assuming this is the first environment.












6-Database Node Config

On this form I changed the Database OS User to ‘oravis’ and Database Base Dir to ‘/u01/oracle/VIS’

Update and click ‘Next’

The Database Home & Datafiles Directory will automatically be updated.









7-Applications Node Config

Here the Apps OS User has been set to ‘applvis’, update and click ‘Next’












9-Node Info

Click ‘Next’ to confirm single node install












11-Vaiidate System Config The Pre-Install Checks will now run for several minutes.

If you experience any problems – indicated by a red cross correct and click ‘Retry’, otherwise click ‘Next’











Click ‘Next’ to start the install10-Componet Inst Review


The progress bar will update during the install, be patient this will take some considerable time if your performing this on your Mac with an external USB drive







Click ‘Next’ if you have green ticks, otherwise click on the red cross and fix the problem reported and hit ‘Retry’, repeat until all ticks are green.












14-Finish Click on ‘Finish’ to leave the installer













You can now use Safari to test out your install.

http://<server name.domain>:8000/OA_HTML/AppsLogin

Remember to add your Virtual Machines IP address and name to you localhost file

sudo vi /etc/hosts

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