Oracle EBS R12.2.6 on Virtual Box Pt2

If you followed my previous post Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2.6 on Virtual Box you will have already downloaded the 19 required zip files, and be ready to go.

Ok, change directory to the location of the downloaded files, unzip and concatenate them into a single OVA file using the following:

$ unzip ‘V*.zip’

$ cat Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova.* > Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.6_VISION_INSTALL.ova

Getting started – Virtual Box

Start Virtual Box and navigate to File -> Import Appliance

Click on ‘Expert Mode’ and edit the ‘Virtual Disk Image’ path to a location with adequate space (~500GB), in this example I am using my Samsung Portable SSD T1 1TB dive mounted at ‘/Volumes/Samsung_T1’


Click ‘Import’, go to lunch or grab a coffee and watch the progress bar if you prefer, the remaining time will re-calulate periodically.


Once complete, start up your new Oracle EBS R12.2.6 VM from within Oracle VirtualBox

Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2.6


The initial boot will prompt you to change the ‘root’, ‘oracle’ and ‘applmgr’ passwords, the process will continue to start and configure an Oracle database called ‘EBSDB’.


Use ifconfig -a’ to determine your VM’s IP address from you VirtualBox console before using SSH from your host to connect using your preferred client.

Add the IP address to your local ‘/etc/host’ file so your browser can resolve your Oracle EBS VISION sandbox environment. e.g.

# apps

Change directory to ‘/u01/install/APPS/scripts’ to access the database and application stop / start scripts and run ‘’ and ‘’



[oracle@apps scripts]$ ./
Logfile: /u01/install/APPS/12.1.0/appsutil/log/EBSDB_apps/addlnctl.txt

You are running version 120.4

Starting listener process EBSDB …

LSNRCTL for Linux: Version – Production on 15-AUG-2017 07:42:19

Copyright (c) 1991, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Starting /u01/install/APPS/12.1.0/bin/tnslsnr: please wait…

TNSLSNR for Linux: Version – Production
System parameter file is /u01/install/APPS/12.1.0/network/admin/EBSDB_apps/listener.ora
Log messages written to /u01/install/APPS/12.1.0/admin/EBSDB_apps/diag/tnslsnr/apps/ebsdb/alert/log.xml

Version TNSLSNR for Linux: Version – Production
Start Date 15-AUG-2017 07:42:19
Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication
Listener Parameter File /u01/install/APPS/12.1.0/network/admin/EBSDB_apps/listener.ora
Listener Log File /u01/install/APPS/12.1.0/admin/EBSDB_apps/diag/tnslsnr/apps/ebsdb/alert/log.xml
Listening Endpoints Summary…
Services Summary…
Service “EBSDB” has 1 instance(s).
Instance “EBSDB”, status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service…
The command completed successfully exiting with status 0 check the logfile /u01/install/APPS/12.1.0/appsutil/log/EBSDB_apps/addlnctl.txt for more information …

You are running version 120.1

Starting the database EBSDB …

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Aug 15 07:42:19 2017

Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.
ORA-32004: obsolete or deprecated parameter(s) specified for RDBMS instance
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 2147483648 bytes
Fixed Size 2926472 bytes
Variable Size 1308625016 bytes
Database Buffers 822083584 bytes
Redo Buffers 13848576 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options exiting with status 0

[oracle@apps scripts]$ ./ 
Starting the Oracle E-Business Suite Application Tier Services
You are running version 120.24.12020000.11

All enabled services for this node are started. Exiting with status 0 check the logfile /u01/install/APPS/fs1/inst/apps/EBSDB_apps/logs/appl/admin/log/adstrtal.log for more information …

Before you can logon you will need to enable SYSADMIN and the Demo accounts, Oracle have provided scripts to do this  e.g.

[oracle@apps scripts]$ ./

This script will let you set a new password for the SYSADMIN EBS Applications User, the default password most likely was “sysadmin”, so pick a different one now.

Enter new password for SYSADMIN:
Re-enter password for SYSADMIN:
Changing password for SYSADMIN
Log filename : L7583909.log
Report filename : O7583909.out
[oracle@apps scripts]$

[oracle@apps scripts]$ ./

Enter a new password for the EBS Applications Users, the default password
most likely was “welcome”, so pick a different one now…

Enter new password for DEMO users:
Re-enter password for DEMO users:
Setting password for DEMO users…
Log filename : L7583911.log

[oracle@apps scripts]$

Oracle EBS R12 Dashboard

You should now be able to logon as ‘SYSADMIN’ or explore your Oracle EBS R12.2.6 VISION sandbox environment using the Demo users (see below) and the password defined above at:


Sales Dashboard – LJONES

[twitter-follow screen_name=’RonEkins’ show_count=’yes’]

Oracle EBS 12.2.6 on VirtualBox

Back in May, Oracle announced the general availability of Oracle VM Virtual Appliance for E-Business Suite 12.2.6 for download from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

In this series of Blog posts I will detail how you can build an Oracle EBS 12.2.6 environment with VirtualBox for use on a laptop / PC.

Getting Started

Logon to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud using you SSO credentials and search for ‘Oracle Virtual Appliance‘ , select the Product as below and click ‘Continue’ to download the Oracle VM Virtual Appliance for Oracle E-Business Suite.


Compatible with VirtualBox

As you can see from above, the Oracle VM Virtual Appliance for Oracle E-Business Suite supports both Oracle VM and Oracle VirtualBox. Once download the Virtual Appliance can be imported into VirtualBox for running on a laptop / PC.

The Oracle VM Virtual Appliances for Oracle E-Business Suite for x86 64bit is packaged in 19 files requiring 69.4 GB, so may take some considerable time to download depending upon your network / internet connection.


The Download

You can download the 19 Oracle VM Virtual Appliances files individually by clicking on the file name or them all use wget, if you have never used wget you can read the following post on how to use wget for downloading.

Virtual_Appliance_SWThe distribution includes the entire Oracle EBS Technology and Apps stack including the example Vision database.

RDBMS Oracle Home
Application Code Level Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.6 Release Update Pack (My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2114016.1) + AD and TXK Delta 8 (My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2159750.1)
Oracle Forms and Reports
WebLogic Server 10.3.6
Web Tier
JDK JDK 1.7 build 1.7.0_121-b15
Java Plugin J2SE 1.7
Critical Patch Update (CPU) October 2016

In my next post I will detail how build an Oracle E-BS 12.2.6 environment within VirtualBox.

[twitter-follow screen_name=’RonEkins’ show_count=’yes’]

How to Check Oracle EBS Clone Configuration

How to check Oracle EBS Configuration

An interesting question was raised during a recent discussion on Delphix 5.0 and it’s new Oracle EBS Multi-Node capability.

How can I check what my Oracle EBS Clone topology is?

The simplest way to check your R12 Clone configuration is to use Oracle Applications Manager (OAM).

OAM (Oracle Applications Manager)

Logon to your Oracle R12 clone environment with an account that has the ‘System Administrator Responsibility’

Navigate to ‘Oracle Application Manager’

Select ‘Dashboard’ from here you can easily see a list of Database and Application Servers as well as the status of the services on each server.


OAM Configuration


Alternatively logon as ‘APPS’ to SQLPlus and perform the following checks


After a successful running dbTier or database (if database already exists)

You should see your cloned database DB_NAME updated to it’s new value


Once you have completed the AppsTier cloning you can check the Database and Application servers using the following:




















Oracle E-Business Suite Clone Log Parser utility

Oracle EBS Log Parser

As anyone who has ever performed an Oracle E-Business suite clone knows it can be a complex time consuming task,  any error during the cloning process may result in a considerable amount of time been spent reviewing multiple clone log files in various directories on the Apps & Database tiers. To assist with this challenge the Oracle Proactive Support Team developed the ‘Log Parser’, this utility is able to consolidates error information from the 12 seperate clone log files into a easy to read HTML report. The ‘Log Parser’ also perform some basic configuration checks and reports this along with useful recommendations and the Oracle support pages links.

The Log parser analyses the following logs:

  • StageDBTier.log
  • StageAppsTier_.log
  • ApplyDBTier.log
  • ApplyDatabase.log
  • ApplyDBTechStack.log
  • ApplyAppsTechStack.log
  • ApplyAppsTier.log
  • CloneContext.log
  • make_.log, make.log
  • adconfig.log
  • ohclone.log
  • adcrdb_.txt
  • NetServiceHandler.log
  • setup_stubs.log
  • Central/Global oraInventory/logs directory and all sub-directories, for any files with a .err, .log or .txt extension


The installation couldn’t be much simpler – download, extract, run

You can download the ‘Log Parser’ directly from ‘My Oracle Support’  – E-Business Suite Clone Log Parser Utility (Rapid Clone 11i,12.0, 12.1) (Doc ID 1447553.1)


Database Tier

Download the ‘Log Parser’ zip file into /tmp and unzip the file into $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone

Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 10.49.10

Once you have unzipped the Log Parser your a ready to navigate to the LogParser directory and run the LogParser perl script.

Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 11.27.34

On completion you will have a new HTML report available for your review

Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 11.30.59

Transfer this back to your desktop an open in your preferred browser, click on the ‘Show Details’ links in the various sections to expand the report.

Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 11.35.28

Applications Tier

Download the ‘Log Parser’ zip file into /tmp and unzip the file into <COMMON_TOP>/clone

Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 18.55.48

Once you have unzipped the Log Parser your a ready to navigate to the LogParser directory and run the LogParser perl script.

Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 19.01.48

On completion you will have a new HTML report available for your review, as before click on the ‘Show Details’ to expand the report.

Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 18.56.22

Transfer this back to your desktop an open in your preferred browser.

Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 19.06.07

In a future post I will walk through the Log Parser report and review the output.

Oracle EBS and Delphix

The Delphix EBS solution provides AppsDBA’s, functional consultants, test teams and business users the ability to perform Self Service on-demand EBS environment (Database, Database Tier & AppsTier) clones. This dramatically reduced the end-to-end provision time coming down from multiple weeks to a mater of minutes.

In a couple of previous posts I have provided a walkthrough of how to Virtualise your EBS environment and also how to create a new Virtual EBS environment.




Oracle EBS R12 and Delphix Agile Data Masking

The Business Challenge

Over the past 25 years I worked for various clients in the Defence, Aerospace and Finance industries, one business challenge which I frequently come across is ‘Data Masking’. During many engagements I frequently have to consider the management and use of many different security classifications and types of data, my experiences suggest that even though everyone agrees and acknowledges the need for ‘Data Masking’ it’s largely been parked or ignored, I believe this could be due to many factors including:

  • Required time to implement traditional Data Masking solutions
  • Experience of failed Data Masking projects
  • Unknown impact on existing process and productivity
  • Lack of application and data knowledge
  • No Data Masking tools and or skills
  • Undocumented database interdependencies, schemas and tables
Data at the centre
Security Onion

Historically the approach taken by many of these organisations to mitigate the lack of Data Masking and the associated risk of data loss was to rely on Physical and Network security.

Organisations have and continue to invest heavily in physical and network security implementing physical and organisational access control system and ‘Hardening’ the outer shell of their corporate networks by deploying Firewalls, De-militarised (DMZ’s), Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Anti Virus (AV) solutions. The Application and Data access layers have remained the poor relation.


As we can see from my Security Onion this approach has only addressed part of the problem,  the biggest cause of data loss continues to be internal incidents, be that intentional or accidental. This problem has grown considerable over the last few years with a high number of very public data breaches and will only increase as organisations embrace the ‘Cloud’ and migrate more and more development and test activities to partners, 3rd parties and off-shore teams.

Remember we should need to consider all the layers of data access, do you know everyone who has access to your non-Production data, are you part of their HR on-boarding process ?

This is where Data Masking has a significant role to play in Risk mitigation for Data Loss

Delphix Agile Data Masking

During the summer Delphix announced the Delphix Compliance Engine so I thought I would get the top down and take it out for a Test Drive against an Oracle Vision R12.1 database to see how easy it is to get up and running.

Having worked on Defence ‘Black’ projects I have seen data security issues with Project descriptions, so I thought I would try masking Project descriptions for this posting.


A quick query of the PA_PROJECTS_ALL table before I applied any Masking rules.

After logging onto the Agile Data Masking UI I configuring my database connection, I  uploaded some masked data (a text file with DESCRIPTION1 to DESCRIPTION600) I then selected the ‘PA’ schema and navigated to the ‘PA_PROJECTS_ALL’ table and selected the ‘DESCRIPTION’ column, provided Domain and Algorithm and was ready to create and run my Masking Job

PA Project All

Now a couple of clicks to create the Masking Job

Create Masking Job


A check of Job completion summary screen



Now lets validate that the Oracle EBS R12 form shows the Masked Project description.


Now lets re-run the PA_PROJECTS_ALL query to see the Data Masking results in SQL*Plus



The Delphix Agile Data Masking feature when combined with Database Virtualisation provides a solution that is able to address all the previous concerns and issues with rolling out an Enterprise Data Masking project.

With the Delphix Agile Masking, Delphix Replication and Amazon Web Services (AWS) support you now have all the tools you need to take your Oracle EBS R12 environment up into the Clouds allowing you to share your data with partners, 3rd parties and anyone else you need to collaborate with.

Check out the Delphix Agile Data Masking solution to see how Delphix can address your Data Governance, Data Protection and Security requirements.



Taking Oracle EBS R12 up into the Clouds with Delphix

Getting ‘Cloud Ready’

In my previous Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Virtualisation postings I have shown how Delphix can be used to Virtualise your EBS environment, and then how it can be used to to provision new virtual EBS environments.

Part 1: Virtualising Oracle EBS R12.1 using Delphix

Part 2: Creating a Virtual Oracle EBS Environment using Delphix

Now that we are ‘Cloud Ready’ I will show how we can use Delphix Replication to migrate your Oracle EBS environments into the Cloud.

Delphix supports the Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) platform, and has also recently announced support for VMware vCloud Air.

Amazon i2 Family

Note: When using choosing your Amazon Cloud instance for Delphix select a storage optimised instance type from the I2 family. The larger instances provide greater CPU and memory, the more memory you can give your Delphix Engine the better as this will be used as a cache improving read performance.


The I2 This family includes the High Storage Instances that provide very fast SSD-backed instance storage optimized for very high random I/O performance, and provide high IOPS at a low cost. 

Delphix requires that the all the storage attached be Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Delphix does not support the use of instance store volumes

Using the Cloud

EBS Replication
Oracle EBS Replication with Delphix

In the example above the On-Premise Oracle R12 environment (Database, dbTech Stack & Apps Tier) are all replicated to a Delphix E2C instance.

This provides an extremely Agile deployment model where Production, Prod Support, Development, Test, Integration, Acceptance Testing and Training can all be hosted where makes best sense for the business.

It is becoming increasling common to see Production On-Prem and non-Prod in the Cloud, this could be as part of a longer strategic journey to the Cloud, with quick wins being delivered by using ‘Compute On-Demand’ or the final architecture.

When customers look at ‘SaaS’ based solutions a requirement which is frequently overlooked and can be challenging for non-Virtualised solutions is business reporting and integration. Very few organisations rely on a single business solution and often struggle to get their data out of the hosted solution. This is example where a Cloud Delphix Engine could be used to replicate back to On-Prem Delphix Engine, providing the business access to the required data.

Configuring Delphix for the Cloud

To get started logon to your Source Delphix Engine as a Delphix Administrator



Navigate to System -> Replication






Provide Replication Target IP Address, Username and Password, configure Schedule and Network Options.



Hit OK



Click on ‘Run Now’ to start the Replication process



You can now Logon to the empty Target Server and from the pulldown select the Source Server and check the ‘Active Jobs’ to see the Replication process.



Now that you have Virtualised your Oracle EBS environment, configured Delphix Replication and Replicated the dSource and VDB’s to your Target server you are free to ‘Cloud Burst’, expanding and shrinking the number of EBS environments in-line with business demand.

For further information on how Delphix can be used to support your Data Migration projects visit the Delphix web site


Creating a Virtual Oracle EBS Environment using Delphix v4.1

Oracle EBS R12.1 Virtualisation

Since v4.0 Delphix has had the ability to Virtualise Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) environments – (Database, Database Tech Stack & Apps Tier), in this 2nd post I will provide a detailed walkthrough on how you can use Delphix to provision a Virtualised EBS environment.

For this walkthrough I have built an R12.1.1 VIS environment running on a non-RAC Database server and single Application server with the directory structure below.

EBS R12.1
Oracle EBS R12.1 directory structure

In my previous post Virtualising Oracle EBS with Delphix  I showed how to injest an Oracle R12.1 EBS environment into Delphix, I will now walkthrough the steps to provision a full Oracle EBS R12.1 environment (Database, Database Tech Stack & Apps Tier onto a non-RAC database server and single Application server.

Provision Database Tech Stack

From the Delphix console select your Environment dbTech Stack we created in part 1 of the Blog and select your Target Oracle EBS Database server and update the fields as required, if like me you prefer to have each EBS environment running as a different OS user select the ‘Environment User’ from the pick list.

dbTech Stack - Target Environment
dbTech Stack – Target Environment













Select your Target ‘Group’ and ‘Snapshot Policy’

dbTech Stack - vFiles Configuration
dbTech Stack – vFiles Configuration














Click ‘Next’

dbTech Stack - Hooks
dbTech Stack – Hooks













Review and Click ‘Finish’

dbTech Stack - Summary
dbTech Stack – Summary












  Provision EBS Virtual Database (VDB)

During the previous step we provision an EBS Oracle Home on the Target Database server, we can now use our new Virtual Oracle Home to provision our Virtual EBS Database (VDB). Enter database name and set the ‘Environment User’ to the same value as the previous step.

Provision VDB - Target Environment
Provision VDB – Target Environment













Provide VDB name and Group, Click Next

Provision VDB - VDB Configuration
Provision VDB – VDB Configuration














Click ‘Next’ on the Hooks screen.

Review Summary and Click ‘Finish’ to start the VDB provision process.

Provision Apps Tier

We should now have our EBS Virtual database running on our Target Database Server out of it’s own Virtual Oracle Home, the next step is to provision the Apps Tier.

Select the Target EBS Apps Server and complete the ‘Target Environment’ form providing the ‘applmg’ account name the other details which will be used by the Oracle EBS adcfgclone process

Provision Apps Tier - Target Environment
Provision Apps Tier – Target Environment














Click ‘Next’

Provide Name and Group and Click ‘Next’

Provision Apps Tier - vFiles Configuration
Provision Apps Tier- vFiles Configuration














Click ‘Next’ on the Hooks screen

Review the Summary and click ‘Finish’ to launch the provision of the AppsTier

Provision Apps Tier - Hooks
Provision Apps Tier – Hooks

We have a now a provisioned a full Virtual EBS environment from our Delphix server running on our Target Database & Apps Server

In the final part of this Trilogy I will show how you can use Delphix to provision an EBS environment in the Cloud

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